Change means you are evolving. Evolving from the creature you were into who God wants you to be. Change is Good, if you do it God's way
The word says "he'll give you the desires of your heart". Sometimes what we desire is not our Heart's desire. Sometimes He has to give the desire so your heart can have it.
God giving you the Desire of your Heart His way, can be one of the most satisfying experiences in your life. One, because it happened because you made the God of all creation happy, and two, because God gave you the true desire of your Heart. I dare you to think about that.
the eyes of an eagle are able to see far and remain focused on things up close.
9/27/22 - The bald eagle became United States national bird in 1792 due to it's long lifespan and majestic presence. Remember, you have to do right for this to happen, especially with your parents.
9/29/22 - God compared his care for His people to that of a mother eagle who spreads her wings to cover her young and carry them away from danger.
9/29/22 - the wingspan is from 6 to 9 feet, from a height above average to that of a giant. also you and eagles are built for soaring and gliding
10/4/22 - There is only 1 star in the bible, that is Jesus. the seven stars in Revelation represent the 7 types of messengers that exist in the church even today.
10/5/22 - The candlestick or lampstand represents the church and there are seven different types and combinations of these 7 different types.
10/6/22 - The beasts represent the ministers of the gospel. 4 meaning all over/four corners of the earth. more next time.
10/7/22 - The Beasts - (continually praising God) many eyes = sagacity and vigilance. -ox = great labor. man = sublime and affectionate. eagles = specific speculation and wings full of eyes = to show meditations. Bonus - all can minister, either by appointment or inner programming, by title or towel. Also, how many of these qualities do you possess? are you one beast at certain times or are you operating in beast mode at all times.
10/17/22 - 24 Elders = the different types of people who give God praise. So this represents many types/forms of praise. So keep praising Him, no matter what.
10/20/22 - Seals in Revelation represent the end-time judgements from God. The 7 seals hold closed a scroll in heaven, as each seal is broken a new judgement is unleashed that will work against the churches enemies.
10/26/22 - Revelation 16, the 2nd Vial/bowl talks about the sea turning into blood. this refers to the 2nd plague in Egypt, Jesus talking about faith the size of a mustard seed, and the cursing of a fig tree that did not produce. In short, anyone working against God will be destroyed. So keep working.
10/31/22 - 4th vial fell on the Sun, the Word, and it did not destroy the Word. It gave light to the unsaved and it heated up and convicted and confounded them but they were not converted.
11/8/22 - There are three levels of Salvation. Saved from the penalty of Sin = Heaven is my home. Saved from the power of Sin = free from committing the same sin. Saved from the presence of sin = people don't talk or do around me what they use to.
11/9/22 - The Church Militant can be the church Triumphant over some issues, while it remains the Church Militant over others.
11/16/22 - When God destroys Satanic work from an area in your life, the conmititants get destroyed with Him. Conmititants = those things that are accessories of a thing. Example: Hurricanes will have lesser storms inland in the days following.
11/17/22 - I am so, so thankful for members I absolutely Love and who absolutely love me as well.